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Nibbles and Noshes


  • Even though I have no real need for this amusing matchboxes, I still want them in my life.


  • Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (1923 Silent Film) (added bonus: Virginia Woolf’s thoughts on cinema)
  • Can we all agree to leave Aeon Flux alone? Was the movie not enough torture?
  • I’m still so confused about these 90’s Nintendo ads.

Quick Reads

  • Why bosses are so incompetent. (Note: It’s not entirely their fault.)
  • The one TV network that has not lost audience reach since 2014.  (I would never have picked it out in a million years.)
  • Bunny Puns. Because they’re damn funny.
  • Racoons > Dogs > Cats. Well, cortex-wise.


  • Not enough Einstein yet? Then there’s a graphic novel for that.
  • The Most Popular One-Hit Wonder Novels

On My Nightstand

I’m still working on this. Life has been so hectic, but I’m determined to get back to it.
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